Sunday Afternoon Housewife

Handmade Crafts and Unsolicited Advice

My favorite 2010 Calendars and Planners January 10, 2010

Filed under: Calendars,Favorites — sundayafternoonhousewife @ 6:41 pm

Ok, I have a thing for calendars. I really love them and love looking at the and buying them and then forgetting to use them. For the last 2 years I have bought a calendar from Sadly Harmless. This is a wall calendar I love so much I give it prime real estate right in the middle of my fridge at eye level, and I’m always happy to go to a new month, to see the new art, and I *mostly* remember to write things down on it.   Actually, I always buy 2 of Sally’s calendars and give the other to a friend as a gift each year. I’m pretty good about putting things on the wall calendar, but the daily planner calender gets me every year. I buy a cute one, carry it religiously for a couple weeks, or even months, and then it gets left behind and forgotten. It’s pretty sad really for me, but just like every other year, I’ve pledged to myself to keep a daily planner.  Of course we are 10 days into the new year now, and you know I haven’t started yet on my daily planner, but I started looking for one today. I found one I really like, as well as lots of other wall calendars I really like. I thought I would share what I found, so if there is anyone else out there who hasn’t got their 2010 planning gear on hand yet, you can maybe take inspiration from this list and my procrastination and get a calendar and start planning, looking ahead, remembering important dates, and scheduling vacations!

First off, here is the one I already have from Sadly Harmless. This is my favorite- it has animals and they are doing their favorite hobbies, and you can get your own from her Etsy Shop

I found this one today from My Zoetrope and I love it, probably mainly because of the Owls on the December page, but also because it is animals (see a theme!) and nice and colorful. You can also but this in her Etsy shop.

I found another really cute and colorful animal calendar at Printable Project on Etsy. This one is great because it’s pretty instant gratification. You buy it on the cheap for $5 and once you get the PDF file you can just print it off for yourself. No waiting for shipping!

This last calender is probably by far the most functional wall calendar I came across, and is actually the calendar that inspired this post. When I saw this on the Daisy Jane Blog, I almost instantly fell in love. It made me wish I still needed a wall calendar for this year. And who knows, when the dust settles next month and I am back to work, I may still snatch it up for my craft room wall if she has any left. If you head on over to her Etsy Shop, and  you get to see a lot more cool pictures of the calendar. It’s eco-friendly and it is BIG! I really like this calendar, and the best part of all is that it is on sale at 30% of for a mere $17.50.

The last thing I found, the one thing I really do hope to be able to get for myself (or, ahem, if someone wants to get me a birthday gift 😉 is this super cute and really simple 2010 Planner from Lily Jane Stationery. It’s available on her Etsy shop.  I really like the simplicity and the fact that it isn’t too cluttered and leaves lots of room for planning. I also really like that it is spiral bound. That’s something I like in a book that is utilitarian.

Well, I hope if nothing else, this inspires you to plan a little in 2010. I’m going to do my best!